A “Refreshment University Protocol” was signed between MAUN and the Ministry of Family and Social Services, General Directorate of Services for the Disabled and Elderly.
The protocol aims to ensure the active participation of elderly individuals in social life. The “60+ Refreshment University Project” protocol was signed by Prof. Dr. Fethi Ahmet Polat, the Rector of MAUN, and Dr. Orhan Koç, General Manager of Disabled and Elderly Services. Fatma Öncü, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services, also attended the meeting. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Efe, head of the Gerontology Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Efe expressed his satisfaction that this project was initiated under the leadership of our university, the first among universities in the Eastern Anatolia Region. He said, “60+ Refreshment University was first implemented in Akdeniz University under the leadership of Prof. Dr. İsmail Tufan, and then it was taken over by the Ministry of Family and Social Services to be implemented on a country basis. The 60+ Refreshment University Project is a program in which our elderly people and all literate elderly individuals over the age of 60 participate voluntarily, in the university environment and with the available facilities. Within the scope of the project, it is aimed to increase social relations, health status, physical capacity and performance, well-being, life satisfaction, learning skills and intergenerational relations of our elderly people who want to be involved in the project voluntarily.”
An Elderly University that Will Set an Example for the World
Emphasizing that the project, which aims to develop a university for the elderly that is unique to Turkey but will set an example for the world, enables the preservation of knowledge, skills and abilities in old age, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Efe said, “I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Fethi Ahmet Polat and Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Kırmızıoğlu, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, for their encouragements.